for the past 2 years i bet this is it..
in my life..
its juz begin, about 2 end or will keep on goin'..?
been there done that!
From almost a somebody to a NOBODY
its like im living in water,,drowning in hours..minutes..
they passed by me bt im still there..wat am i?!
here doesnt make any better too
Fogs does blurs me,, and im gasping for helps so dat i can breathe again..
I consider myself destroyed
and losing pieces of me..
i've become so numb
tired of hoping, trying, and losing chances..
watching those doors of things i've been dreaming of,,
shut rite in front of my face..
Question is..
where did i go wrong?
i remember laz tyme
im enjoying myself reading books about sciences n smart stuff'
standing proud n smiling 2 myself coz im always score high
Bernoulli's principle
Newton's Law
Shih Huang Ti or the Renaissance..
memorizes dem never a burden
though,,dat was so yesterday..
i find it hard 2 blieve
dat me,, gone stupid!
i dun remember those things anymore..
and im bringing down the pictures of women pilots on my wall
coz i guess formulae n concepts are not written in my destiny
if u ask me
girl y u sound so down
well, lets trade shoes
u'll see wat its like to be me
the hardest tings i had swallow
finding shoulder 2 cry on
yet i had none dat truly meant for me
i kept asking myself
who wld i ask 2 hold my hands n guide me tru the line?
who wld watch me n pull me b4 i cross the line?
who gonna hold me down when i start 2 fall apart?
i get notink bt silent..
i have 2 walk dis streets by myself and finding truth beneath
i reach th crest of dis mountain
i dunno wat will wait for me when i come down
but im no afraid..coz dis is LIFE
Lord, He gave me crossroads, puzzles n clues
so i must stop asking Him WHY
and cntinue the game
until i come to the end..
dun mind wat i said..
coz these are
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