Sunday, April 11, 2010
BeLia AnTi Pembuangan bAbiEs!
world is now officially gone wild n bloody mad! wats wrong now right. wats illegal now so legally. plus,Discount is no discount at all..(lol) Emm,, more obvious-DUMPING BABIES..Astargfirullah..Nauzubillah..
all i wanna kno,,TAKDE DNA TEST ker?
poor lil thing.Im cnsidering myself as WAY-TOO-YOUNG to have a baby plus im nt married,yet..but if one of the million dummies mom (who did dumped her bby)ever left her kiut miut lil baby on my door footstep i'll have it(yeah like Hagrid did to Harry Potter)..i wanna have it..which is 1 of the reason my frenz kol me momsy..:)
i kno,im not in those desprate mommy's shoes or watsoever ..just dont do dat..maaann,,u'll hav 2 pay for dat later. in life or in hereafter..
again,nauzubillah..may my Lord protect me n my sister n all of us lah from such hrrible mistake. amin.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Attention to whoever HUMAN n MUSLIM.
i have a mssage to passss(frm a fren)...dun celebrates V-DAY coz
- U'll gone WILD. End up having sex parties.
- Virgin NO MORE
- 9 months from now-TROUBLE
- Lord will dfnietly HATES YOU!
i tink i'll hav 2 agree on dis one coz ,,emm its true...and in today's newspper,,they r bz talking about dis stuff..n i heard theres a campaign (formed by a bunch of CHEAP girls in IPT,, mostly malays,confirm muslims,,) called NO PANTIES..stuff like urging gals hav some dates wit no panties u guys keep blaming boys for being demselves,,eh?
OMA..! who r those bloody idiots anyway? watever...nauzubillah.
Friday, January 15, 2010
long tyme no ngadap tibi.. :)
i cant blive that im living in 2010 already...
Whoa! i guess i've been 'sleeping' too long,,huh?!...
dear,,dear...i had trouble 2 recall all my sweetdream n nitemares..
Uh,,i tink wats lies in the past,should stay in the past..
no recall2 k..
well,, i'll b turning 19 soon...(wat????????!) but where do i stand?
yeah,where do i stand..? Umm,,i guess i dun have th answer for that..
Cause i've waisted too much energy by wondering...too much tyme by thinking..
i've used to tink that life is simple and i can handle evrytinks
bt now i realise that life doesnt go my way all th tyme
and life is xactly like a brief candle.